Friday, September 7, 2012


the lies in your bedroom, spanish harlem
to communicte with the unknown
the unseen

tread upon
each soul's

hallucinating hallways
in the midnight

speak, oh jezabel of your bustle
summoned the dead
leaving us uneasy
moving between worths

I saw you somewhere outside
it was lunchtime
a mutual surrender
to speak the truth of the future
of all futures

pecker check
with pliers
cherished scraps in their drawers
that you can't decipher

a snowy landscape
unfiltered by the mind
just stark and bare
new minds

we will soon have to corrupt them
make them usless for their mothers
wearing out their shirts
in a room

the clock ticks
hands and knees
to race out the door
with tears stinging their eyes

saying their prayers
a little town main street
it once was a forest
a home for squirrels

popular tongue
stainless steel
errands under blue skies
fish jumping waters
bumble bee wings

run Esmeralda
seek that which you cannot find
with your wild hair
and bony legs
all mare
and no nightmare

to the crimes
rust polished off all my instruments
the love letters
and fat cigars

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