Friday, September 7, 2012

this is america

being lost,
this is what we know best
to expect something and receive
totally different

a loss
I used to joke about god
and our foolish attempts to make plans

what does this reflect?
totalitarianism, maybe?
a wine glass voice????

why should we sustain the crucificion metaphor?
what does this say about your morality?

sweat, sperm, saliva
I loved a world from each one
it was an empty mirror

the realness,
the cpacity to affect me
far removed from dancing feet
you want to hear more of the fool
and how he became a prince

how magic hung upon his breast

that was for a different time
the fool now sits on his front porch
selling crack cocaine
to white collar workers

everything a swindle
I can see the loss in his eyes
no one believes in him any more

angel eyes
naked and drugged
bleeding on the floor
looking stupid

skull warriors
popping pills
wall street terorists
hanging tombs

this is America

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